The Homeless Gospel Choir The Homeless Gospel Choir - Some People

I am not a soldier, but I'm looking for a war
We all gotta die somehow, this much I know for sure
And I am not a rich man, but blessed are the poor
Why do we settle for less and cry and beg for more?
Beg for more

The newspaper is singing a song to wash your brain
Like the internet and the radio, they both do the same
And Christian television, it has to take the blame for reasons why your mom and dad are filled with so much hate, filled with hate

Some people got nothing and some people got it all
Some people rise in power, some people die and fall
Some people are sinners, some people are saints
But everyone is somebody even if they're told they ain't, even if they're told they ain't

Well there's only so much music a one man band can make
There's only so many wrong turns a blind driver can take
And how much good is good enough to say for goodness sake
Is it a sin to help someone who only knows to take, knows to take?

The bankers all got money while everyone is broke
I think they think it's funny when they've got you by the throat
This rat race that you're running ain't nothing but a joke
We all gotta play the hand we're dealt, I guess that's how it goes, how it goes

'Cause some people got nothing and some people got it all
Some people rise in power, some people die and fall
Some people are sinners, some people are saints
But everyone is somebody even if they're told they ain't, even if they're told they ain't

My friends are college graduates, but they can't get a job
They can't pay they bills they have; they have to steal and rob
From country club members asleep down by the pool
They may not get to heaven, but they ain't nobody's fool, nobody's fool

And I can live forever in a basement or a loft
Wealth has nothing to do with how much your things cost
A brand new car or an old one still die in the junk yard
Greed and debt and showing off just make your heart hard, make it hard
They make it hard

Jesus Christ didn't die for you to be an asshole
He didn't come to take from the poor man's plate while the rich throw their food in the garbage